GMA Executive Council

Fostering Industry Growth
Through Geosynthetics Advocacy

The GMA Executive Council is a cornerstone of the Geosynthetics Division within ATA, representing leading manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors of geosynthetic materials. Our council members provide the foundation that supports the association’s ongoing programs, advocacy, and growth initiatives, ensuring a stronger future for the geosynthetics industry.

Our mission is to advance the adoption and growth of geosynthetics through effective leadership, advocacy, and strategic initiatives. The council drives innovation, sets standards, and lobbies for increased market penetration and the inclusion of geosynthetics in major infrastructure projects.

Strategic Leadership

Council members hold positions on the GMA Board of Directors, influencing the strategic direction, setting priorities, and driving action on key issues.

Advocacy & Market Growth

We play a critical role in promoting the use of geosynthetics, engaging with government officials, and impacting infrastructure specifications to boost market adoption.

Foundation of Financial Support

Council members hold positions on the GMA Board of Directors, influencing the strategic direction, setting priorities, and driving action on key issues.

Industry Expertise

Council members contribute their vast expertise, guiding GMA’s programs, initiatives, and strategic decisions to foster industry growth and innovation.


Brian Gee

Vice Chairman

Daniel Selander

2nd Vice Chair


Council Members

Keith Gardner

John Lostumbo

John Lostumbo

John Lostumbo

John Lostumbo

John Lostumbo

John Lostumbo

John Lostumbo

John Lostumbo

Focus Groups

Dedicated to advancing geotextile products, specifications, and applications.

  • Chair: Daniel Selander, Willacoochee
  • Vice Chair: Jennifer McKay, TenCate

Focusing on the growth and adoption of geogrid technologies for improved infrastructure.

  • Chair: John Lostumbo, TenCate
  • Vice Chair: Jim Sanneman, Tensar

Promoting effective erosion control solutions and best practices.

  • Chair: Scott Manning, Propex
  • Vice Chair: Vacant

Enhancing environmental solutions through geosynthetics integration.

  • Chair: Vacant
  • Vice Chair: Anurag Shah, SKAPS Industries

Improving distribution networks and market reach for geosynthetics.

  • Chair: Vacant
  • Vice Chair: Jennifer Gardner, Tensar

Key Initiatives
& Impact on Infrastructure

The Executive Council’s advocacy efforts have significantly impacted infrastructure specifications, environmental policies, and the adoption of geosynthetics in construction projects. Our commitment extends to:

  • Lobbying efforts for regulatory changes that support sustainable solutions and broader geosynthetics applications.

  • Government relations program that advocates for the industry at both the federal and state levels.

  • Development of industry standards and best practices.

  • Contributions to market research and technical advancements.

  • Successes in promoting the adoption of geosynthetics in various applications.

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